&Mine develops comprehensive Functional Requirements (Specifications/Func Specs) and runs version control over our functional requirements (specifications) documents for internal and external stakeholders. Functional requirements are built into our CRM system to ensure that tasks, timelines and sign-offs are also handled on a task by task requirements basis as well as an overarching document.
All projects at &Mine will have a functional requirements irrespective if they are an active paid component we deliver for clients approval or simply part of our internal process (which are provided to clients via our CRM documentation and access). We build functional specifications for all services, yes including communication and advertising tasks at &Mine, as all tasks are reviewed by more than a single resource and the majority of requirements are touched by a technical or data analyst at some point.
Functional Requirements are either exportable on-the-fly PDF documents from our CRM software or initial developed as part of early stage developments inside projects as stand alone high level requirements until they require programming or technical resources.
User Interface designs, Wireframes, Low and High Fidelity Wireframes and /or Functional Prototypes are delivered as linked aspects of the Functional Specifications to confirm deliverables for development before coding begins.
Typically a functional specification for a software build is 10-20% of the project budget. This allows us to pre-plan functional requirements and met user and stakeholder expectations. The func spec also ensures we can be objective in the design of the system and focus on key market requirements, phase in future opportunities and deliver ideal outcomes for our clients software and digital web projects.
Our approach alongside best practice is to facilitate efficiency and build in robust commercial outcomes using lean methodologies to maximise investment returns. We are aggressive in weeding out unnecessary or minority aspects which will over burden projects, often wasting large percentages of time on unnecessary functionality that has little or nothing to do with a projects commercial viability and success.
Part of our core end-to-end processes, formal Functional Specifications (or Func Specs) are a mandatory part of all mid-size to large enterprise developments at &Mine.
There is more to it than having your Functional Requirements and Specifications sorted. Nothing sits in a silo. The greatest opportunities are multi-touch and omni-channel. AndMine’s digital agency services are a one stop shop. If it’s #Digital, we do it. Go on, test us.
Our business felt dramatically behind online before starting with AndMine. The team there helped us maintain, update and grow our website presence with ease. In addition to developing our online store and beautiful hair competition website in record time. They make complex IT marketing trends simple to understand with superb service; they are a true pleasure to work with. Ben Kennedy, Nicky Clarke (UK)
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